Other Continues
continuous sound and memory
The 2010 Poot Records release, Other Continues, was conceived when recording Affinity Groups, Aggegate and Crackle, Box of the Last Help, and You'll Need a Katapult. In addition what was happening on those records, I was creating a lot of very continuous music. I had the idea that it would be nice to present some of these things in an extended release, maybe on vinyl. This project was never realized. However, Luke Poot (thanks, Luke!) offered me a chance to do this as a tape and I started in on it. In the end of the tracks included only Working Model was new as of that time. Several other tracks were reissues off of the Charmed and Strange and other sevencentralandmountain recordings. This was done because I would like this music to be heard, and it hadn't been, certainly not in the UK or Europe.
The original cover is lost as the cassette is long out of print, however, I have included here the covers of several of the cd releases that these tracks originally appeared on between 2000-2006 or so. Eric King is responsible for the drawing pictured here as a cover, which if fact was the cover for the record When We Go. King also made the coloured drawings which formed the covers for the now long out of print releases Unsynchronized Eye and Snow Lights.
Its good to keep in mind that this was originally a tape, such that tracks 1-4 formed side one, and are therefore often perceived by a listener as one "program", and likewise 5-9 formed the other "program" (minus Sad Cain, which did not appear in the original). Thus is the track order seems awkward, it should seem less so if considered as two "sides".
Since the track titles have been printed incorrectly almost everywhere here are the correct titles and information:
1. When We Come
a favorite electronic piece I made out of sine waves. Originally appeared on When We Go, which is the record pictured above, with art by Eric King.
2.Everything In One Second
recorded, I think, in one take at home in Oakland when I had no equipment except a minidisk recorder. Originally appeared on Unsynchronized Eye.
3. Anti-Ore 3a (a live excerpt from a large-scale modular performance/installaton I created with the Brown Bunny Ensemble in Construction 127 above the Marin Headlands, a place I was and continue to be absolutely obsessed with). The tuning and rhythmic aspects were composed with inspiration and measurements take from the architecture and sonic attributes of the tunnels. The composition proceeded in many sections by three distinct groups of musicians in the three different tunnels, sometimes overlapping, sometimes totally simultaneously, sometimes alone. The performance lasted several hours and was largely attended by unexpected tourists to the tunnels, which lie high above the Pacific Ocean, along the rugged Headland coast. Pictures of the tunnels, and parts of the score are included in the Bonus Items, and can also be seen on my website.
4. Several Days at One Time
originally appeared on Others Pertaining To the Lighthouse Establishment
a record I made about Point Reyes, California and being in love in 2004
time lines where overlaid
(side 2)
1. DDFG Rawing
originally the closing track of Snow Lights. This is sort of a foil for Several Days at One Time.
2.Anti-Ore c3
see above
3.Working Model
4. What the Bear Told Barbara Barfarm
opening track of Snow Lights
released May 5, 2010