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Selected Recent Work



From Nine Seconds Above Taco Heaven

for Violin, Vibraphone, Bass Paetzold Recorder, Unamplified Electric Guitar, Sound Diffusion, and a Reader


Something About the Water Here

audio-visual music

A Humid Bell in the Shape of a Bird 

Resonates the Conspiratorial Landscape 

sound installation for radio travelogue


Holy Week

infinite channel fixed media electronic music

The Forager’s Breakfast

stimulated object and psychobotanical induction for audiotext capture and rendering

The Work of Sound Art in The Age of Mechanical Reproduction

stone, vibration

The Fibrous Body

instrumental aggregate for music



Your Footprints Precede You

standard mossshoe, audiotext, psycho-botanically rendered recordings

Small Island in Ideal Colours II 

infinite channel fixed-media electronic music


Building Dwelling Thinking

concertmate 7000



piano and performer


Waterfall Effect

audio-visual sound-text performance

Cartesian Birds

audio-visual habitat

Bleak Mids

solo for Concertmate 7000,  feedback, texts

Winter Birds for OM

solo for viola

Small Island in Ideal Colours 1898

video music





Island in Natural Colours

environmental sound situation

Everything is Happening at One Time

for oboe alone, but with electronics


Fans of Beethoven

video music

Fans of Beethoven

environmental sound situation


As Blackmail, I Have Photo Evidence That You Can Levitate

[for Aonghus McEvoy, guitar]

solo for guitar


Magnetic Arch

for one or many string players and electronics


Two Bowls (Prime Unity)

Duet for solo performer

Circular Bridge Squirrel Walk

amplified viola and feedback system, duration variable



collaborative installation with Eleanor Cully,

Jakub Grosz, Pascal Silondi, and students of

Prague College

The Balloon Problem

collaborative installation with Eleanor Cully

Incidents of an Uncertain Passage To A Defined Address

for percussion ensemble

Abiogenesis Begins With a Single Step on the Road to Nowhere

collaborative installation 

with Eleanor Cully,

Jakub Grosz, Pascal Silondi, and students of

University of Huddersfield



The Unsteady Disciple

for amplified viola, small bell, and computer

Descent from the High Arches and the Bog Chorus

quartet for wood blocks and waves


Unnatural Habitats

for performer and real-time computer music system

Helical Pastimes

duet for mechanical pianos


Prtie Trkz

sounding electronic contingency for concert area

The Tourists

mixed media


Son of Waterbull

solo for wood block and sine wave

In Warmer Seasons

for soprano, flute, and guitar


Apparition, meanwhile

sound installation for subwoofer and coffee


Liquid Dream American

electronic music





environmental sound situation

Unnatural Processes

for RHEA computer-controlled robot piano, and human


Suspended Upper Bank

fixed media sound and single-channel video

High Arches

for two amplified instruments

Natural Objects

electronic music


High Sines

for two amplified instruments


On the Left Bank

for two amplified instruments

Mixed Earth Chorus

for two amplified instruments

Appel Latch and Streaming

two pieces for solo viola

​14 Electronic  Studies

fixed media electronic music


solo for viola

Al Green's Tweeting Bird Supplements

sound installation

Amphibious Radost

electronic music

What the Moss Heard (Order and Nature)

object-oriented environmental sound situation

Reflections on the Resistance of a Piece of Paper


Boxing Day Bell Moan 

fixed media electronic music

Cutting Through

for ocarina and electronics

“Inches, feet” quoth Begonia Ploy: a compendium of Techniques for Bonobos (with additional remarks)

environmental sound situation

New Chords

electronic music



Craven Cry Loot

co-composed with Eleanor Cully


Budding Snow, Moon of Ice

fixed media electronic music



audio-visual installation


Electric Islands (Archipelago)

interactive installation


Small Hills from Great Mountains Descend

private performance and evidence

B Movie (Habitat Observation Platform)

audio-visual installation


Contours Unfolding I, II, III

solos for viola, harmonica and computer


An Intricate Lack of Sophistication

a suite of drawings


The Kisses Play the Deep Electric Blue

​collaborative audiovisual performance

with Pascal Silondi and Jakub Grosz

Symmetrical Cavepeople

electronic music


I Am Talking To You

collaborative installation with Jana Babincova and Michaela Kurikova




The Lotus Effect at the Compromise Between S and X

composition for Prague Improvisers Orchestra


Plastic Windows and Doors

fixed media electronic music

Birdleaves, Shape Shifter

live electronics

Half-Handed Helix, Double Breasted, With Reflections

ensemble performance activity


12 Lines

electronic music

Hoarfrost Fern Fractal

electronic music


instrumental aggregate for music


fixed media electronic music



for viola, keyboard, and digital circuits

5 Notes in Extended Rotation

for viola, keyboard, and digital circuits

Suspicious String Quartets

ambiguous media


You'll Need a Katapult


Wind Icon, River Totem

radio programme

Viola Solos (Suspicious)

electronic music


At Their Own Rates II

site-specific group activity (music)

Precambrian Figures

electronic music



Box of the Last Help

electronic music

Alpine Horizon, Hairless Corona

feedback-driven audio-visual performance


At Their Own Rates

site-specific group activity (music)



Aggregate and Crackle

electronic music


Affinity Groups

electronic music


Other Continues

electronic music


From the High Castle to the Donut Universe

for orchestra, score upon request


On the Q/T Boundary

quartet for cymbals



Energy Patterns

DVD, in collaboration with artist Paul Baker


Questionable Tactics

percussion duo

Murder At Maybeck Manor

electronic music



No Notion/Known Ocean

single channel sound and video installation


Se Stane

music for theatre

Asolt Musket

electronic music



Dead Romance

music for theatre


electronic music



music for theatre


A Touching Lack of Ground Distorts the Air from the Ceiling

installation with ensemble performance


electronic music, tape release




full-length album of electronic music


October Language

for small orchestra

A Collection of Clear Songs

compilation album of ensemble music


Amazing Igloos of Information Collision

curator, installation and sound art show

Femme Toupee

editor, publication

Consider Pigtails

electronic music

There is Nothing to See Here

curator, sound art show



The Sunshine of Your Love: An Alluvial Morass of Mixed Means 

clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, and cello quartet

Fresnel Lens 7

large ensemble work written for the Brown Bunny Ensemble


curator, large environmental installations and sound performances

Another False Night

electronic music



Rawing with the Hound of its Own Acheing

performance, followed by an installation

Mysterious Sources of Light

small ensemble


1285.25 pieces = 1 thing (blurred, trying to understand "singing")

live electronic music



T Zero: another 1 over the square root of one minus v squared over t squared

chamber orchestra and vocalists, with light


site-specific environmental sound performance


site-specific environmental sound performance 



Oxen Only Want to Be Free

for Brown Bunny ensemble


The Near Death Video

ambient video music


Tzero (the human, an arrow, a lion)

for ensemble



a variety of sound installations and performance environments


Stephen’s Infinite Birthday Party

video projection performance



The Future of American Transportation



Spacetime Spirals for Robert Smithson

installation of photographs


five movements for oboe


Back in a Moment

text score for an imaginary journey


Standing Waves at the Cost of Progress

sound/text installation


Reverberant Conversation 3/13/66@ extension 76022: You Are In The Medium Now

installation of sounds and object


Counting Music

Brown Bunny ensemble music


Necessary Music

performance for the Brown Bunny Ensemble: chef, electric and acoustic instruments and live tele-feed

Standing Waves All The Way To the Epicenter

site-specific music for Brown Bunny Ensemble


Standing Waves for the Anus

music for Tori Anus



music for dance



Piano Piece for Hands and The Breadth of the English Language

for two pianos, performers, and dictionaries


Free Energy Aggregate  

multimedia performance for Brown Bunny Ensemble


Standing Waves for Liberty

large ensemble with electronics


The Sinking Ship (How to Use a Trombone as a Snorkel)

for trombone, videotape and electronics


the grammer of coastlines

for prepared piano, gamelan instruments and drumset


Standing Waves for Darius Milhaud

site-specific sound installation, Mills College


Munction, Join Us

print campaign


Jesus Cage Slip Static Merry Xmas

single channel video and sound

biography of Florian Kitt and the Author

duel with immediate history


The Latitude of Your Timezone

music for dance



Morning Reptile

creekside intervention



sound/light installation



for suspicious string quartet



The Glass Factory



anamorphos for six celli



The Glass of Vodka

for chamber ensemble


Alvin Allen: unmanned submersible

for ensemble


the carnival of razors

for string quartet



multi-channel interactive tape installation


live electronic music for dance



Nuclear Nebraska




music for dance

Publications & Talks


How Innocent Is The Grid?

Published in the MASS

The Enormous Festival and Its Discontents

paper presented at  Capitalist Realism 10 Years On, University of Huddersfield


The Meta-Realistic Practice of Art in/and/as Everyday Life

slides from Theory Time portion of a workshop/seminar at Culture  Lab, University of Newcastle

Banal Magic: Strategies for Improvising the Everyday

from Deep Listening , Improvisation, and Spatialized Sound, CAMP,Aulus-les-Bains, France

The Grid is Innocent

Lecture Prepared for Creative Coding Lab,

University of Huddersfield, UK

Situated Sound and Compositional Circumstance in My Recent Musical Practices

PhD Portfolio Commentary, University of Huddersfield, UK


The Cup and Ring Marks on Rombalds Moor as Conceptual Point of Intersection

Sounds of Prehistory and Antiquity Conference; Research Center for Music Iconography, City University of New York, The Graduate Center, New York, USA



Nehybnost 9 (Stasis9 : Placeless)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 8 (Stasis8 : Panta Rhei)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic



Nehybnost 7 (Stasis7 : Formal Hallucinations)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 6 (Stasis6 : Water and The Bloc)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 5 (Stasis5 : Presque Rien)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 4 (Stasis4 : Le Witt, Radigue, and You)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 3 (Stasis3 : Nonintention)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 2 (Stasis2 : Stillness)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Nehybnost 1 (Stasis1: Static)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Practice Leading Research Leading Practice

Visiting Artists and Lecture Series; Prague College School of Art and Design, Prague, CZ

March, 2016

Promítané životy

Projected Lives

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Slova a hudba: Imaginární dialog

(Words and Music: An Imaginary Dialogue)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic



Tim, s lidmi

Tim, With People

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Probuzeni k tomu, co se děje

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


I vy můžete být géniem

(You Too Can Be A Genius)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)

Prague, Czech Republic


Caspar Fúze a Johannes Přerušení Walter

(Caspar Fusion and Johannes Interruption Walter)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Rytmus a sabotáž: Různé znějící děje a Sam McLoughlin

(Rhythm and Sabotage: Sounding Processes and Sam McLoughlin)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Druhá hodina: Nová dávka útoku létajících talířů (Second Hour: a New Dose)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Kdo sedí na trůnu?

(Who Sits On The Throne?)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Ssssssssssssssooooouuuuunnnnnund Art: Co jsi zač? (Sound Art, What Are You?)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Vysokorychlostní elektronická hudba a osvobození od paměti

(High Speed Electronic Music and Freedom From Memory)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Zpět do lůna se Silver Dick

(Back to the Womb With Silver Dick)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Nízké umění / vysoké umění: Neustále proměnlivá satira. Kapitola 1: Prostory pro pokroky (LoArt/HiArt: an Oscillating Satire)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Každý zvuk musí žít a mít nějaký pohyb: Boris Bezemer v obálce

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)



Duchové Eleanor Cullyové: De-materializace skulptury / re-materializace hudby

(The Ghosts of Eleanor Cully)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


Osvobození skrz nezájem: No-audience underground (Liberation Through a Lack of Interest: The No-Audience Underground)

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)


„To je můj hlavní cíl, šířit mizérii“ - Druhý pohled na kurátorskou praxi a organizaci hudebních festivalů

Hudební informační středisko VOICE

(Journal of Czech Musical Information Society)




(Draw a Line and Follow It)

Advojka (A2) Kulturni čtrnáctideník

2014 #6



(Love Boat)

Advojka (A2) Kulturni čtrnáctideník

2013 #4


Sound Map of Changing Intentions Between Static Bodies I: Irregular Orbits About Land's End, Brother

Pretty Panicks Press, New York City

Yam Yad, new poetry by Jorge Boehringer, published by Genital Press


The Audience is the Antenna , dissertation for Masters Degree in Composition, Mills College, Oakland, CA, USA 2001

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